Spinal Adjustments, Decompression and Rehab

Spinal adjustments come in many different forms. We are trained in a variety of chiropractic adjustment techniques ranging from very gentle, light force type of adjustments to more more forceful techniques if necessary. Our belief is that less is usually more! We would rather work with your body and pick the most appropriate treatment that will be the best received by the body.

Spinal decompression is utilized to help relieve disc and facet pressure in a very slow and controlled fashion. Our treatment tables are designed to allow for a comfortable experience that is safe, effective and time-tested to be a viable treatment option. We will work with your primary care doctors to help to improve the continuity care and if our treatments are not providing the relief desired, we can order advanced imaging when necessary and also have a network of orthopedic and neurosurgeons that we can refer our patients too if required.

Rehabilitation is a key component to achieving long-term results. Each patient will be given stretches and exercises to perform at home and in the office to work on improving flexibility and strength. This aspect of care is extremely important to ensure our patient’s condition will stabilize to the best of their body’s potential.